How Teamdash saves you significant time during the interview process (with the help of AI)

For talent acquisition teams, having an efficient interview process is crucial for securing top candidates before they move on to other opportunities.
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For talent acquisition teams, having an efficient interview process is crucial for securing top candidates before they move on to other opportunities. This is where Teamdash’s AI-powered solutions come into play, transforming how recruiters manage the interview stage and significantly reducing the time spent on tedious tasks.

The interview process takes about two-thirds of the hiring time (for example the average interview process in the UK is currently at about 27.5 days) –  this means there are huge risks and at the same time opportunities for companies doing an exceptionally good or bad job at this stage.

Here’s how Teamdash can help you save time during the interview process:

1. Automated Interview Scheduling

One of the most time-consuming aspects of recruitment is coordinating interview schedules between candidates and hiring teams. Teamdash addresses this challenge head-on with its best-in-market interview scheduling tools.

By helping talent teams automate the process, recruiters can seamlessly manage interview bookings with candidates, significantly reducing the back-and-forth emails and phone calls. This not only saves time but also provides a better candidate experience, as interview slots can be quickly confirmed or rescheduled as needed.

Teamdash applicant tracking system offers a comprehensive interview scheduling tool with three main scheduling options:

  • Specific pre-selected slots
  • Any time when available
  • Pre-Scheduled

This means there are enough options different to meet the needs of any talent team and provide significant time savings.

Schedule interviews with Teamdash

Learn more about how easy it is to schedule interviews with candidates using Teamdash.


2. AI-Powered Interview Transcripts and Summaries

We all know that taking notes during interviews can be distracting and time-consuming. Teamdash’s new AI feature automates the creation of interview transcripts and summaries.

By integrating with Teams calls, this feature allows interviews to be transcribed automatically so you can focus on getting to know the candidate and asking the most important questions. Interviewers (you!) can then receive detailed transcripts and smart summaries highlighting key insights from your conversation with a potential candidate.

This not only ensures that nothing is missed during the interview but also allows talent acquisition managers and recruiters to focus fully on the candidate, singificantly improving the quality of the interview. The AI interview summaries will provide a comprehensive overview of key points discussed and assess whether the candidate meets the requirements of the open position.

The AI assistant also provides summarized insights that can be easily shared with hiring managers and other stakeholders, making the decision-making process faster and more informed.

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3. AI automatically fills in candidate profiles for more data points

When a candidate submits their CV or provides a link to their LinkedIn profile, Teamdash’s AI scans the document and profile for relevant information. The AI then automatically fills in the candidate’s profile fields within Teamdash’s applicant tracking system using the extracted data.

This creates a comprehensive candidate profile, without the need for manual data entry. Imagine the time saved on manual tasks – with AI the whole process is instantaneous and fast leading to higher quality of decision making and more suited candidates in the interview process. By seeing a full picture of a candidate’s professional history and skills, talent teams can better assess their fit for the role and the company.

Applicant Tracking System Migration


4. Teamdash’s AI writing assistant will help you communicate with candidates efficiently

Personalised communication is key to engaging candidates and keeping them interested throughout the recruitment process. The AI writing assistant allows recruiters to quickly generate tailored messages for different candidates, saving time on drafting emails and follow-ups. Efficient communication ensures that candidates are kept informed, engaged, and less likely to drop out of the process, resulting in fewer delays and a smoother interview stage and improved time to hire.


5. Better collaboration with hiring teams and faster decision making

With Teamdash, all candidate information is stored in one place; the same is true for all candidate communications. Hiring managers’ comments are stored with other candidate data, providing everyone involved with a comprehensive overview of each candidate, including the feedback they’ve received and the status of their application.

Not to mention using scorecards in the interview stage allows to make more data based decisions and weigh candidates against each other. This speeds up the decision-making process and ensures that all team members are aligned in their assessment of candidates.

Recruitment scorecard example

Scorecards are a tool made in heaven for all talent teams looking to improve their time to hire.

This of course is not all. Get a personalised demo to see how Teamdash can save you significant time 👇

Teamdash’s automation and AI-powered tools offer a game-changing solution for recruiters looking to optimize their interview processes and lower their time to hire. By automating scheduling, generating interview transcripts, and providing actionable insights,  In a competitive talent market, these efficiencies are not just beneficial—they are essential.

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Teamdash’s mission is to make recruiters happy.

We believe that providing a top-tier, best-in-market ATS is a vital step toward achieving this goal. Together, we’re not just building tools—we’re helping you transform the way you recruit, making every step of your journey more rewarding and impactful.´

Marie Evart

Co-founder & Community Manager

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How to perform a reference check to find the perfect candidate

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