Our author

Meet Merilyn Uudmae, our Content Marketing Manager, who keeps the Teamdash Resources tab fresh and up-to-date.
Merilyn Uudmae

Merilyn’s background is in Marketing, and she has always had a passion for helping people outside of marketing understand it better. Her Master’s thesis title was “Employer Branding as an Opportunity to Gain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage,” acknowledging HR teams’ impact on long-term business success.

You can read case studies, webinar recaps, expert interviews and recruitment marketing articles written by her.

Merilyn is also the author of our newsletter. Sign up below to get the latest news and resources in your inbox.

If you have any topics you would like to see covered on the blog or would like to contribute, let her know:

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Kuidas koostada atraktiivseid töökuulutusi?

Et töökuulutus oleks atraktiivne, peab see olema lihtsasti loetav, selgelt sõnastatud ja tekitama lugejas emotsioone, sest emotsioonid panevad tegutsema ja kandideerima. Panime Sulle oma kogemuste ja erinevate müügi- ja turunduspraktikate põhjal kirja soovitused, mis aitavad Sul koostada atraktiivseid töökuulutusi.